
Israeli Legislation

On June 23, 2014 the Government of Israel adopted a law, which designates November 30th as an annual, national day of commemoration for the one million Jewish refugees who were displaced from Arab countries and Iran in the 20th century. The law, which is the culmination of several years of hard work and dedication by an international team of Mizrahi Justice advocates, entails commemoration events and the inclusion of Mizrahi history into schools’ curriculum.

As Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu noted upon massage of the historic legislation: “Today, for the first time, we are marking the exit and deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Arab countries and from Iran in the years following the establishment of the State of Israel. It is not for nothing that this day is marked on the day after the 29th of November. The Arab countries, which never accepted the UN declaration on the establishment of a Jewish state, compelled the Jews living in their territories to leave their homes while leaving their assets behind. In several instances the deportations were accompanied by pogroms and violence against Jews. We have acted – and will continue to act – so that they and their claims are not forgotten.”

JIMENA Establishes Mizrahi Heritage Month

After the passage of the 2014 Israeli legislation, JIMENA recognized a historic opportunity to dedicate an entire month to honoring and promoting the heritage, history, and rights of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, particularly the one million Jewish refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. We swiftly mobilized JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau, bringing personal stories to hundreds of college campuses across the United States, and developed unique, replicable programs. We are thrilled that this initiative has been integrated into the programming of multiple organizations, and JIMENA remains committed to serving as a central hub for resources, thought leadership, speakers, and content to support any institution developing Mizrahi Heritage Month programming.

JIMENA’s Executive Director, Sarah Levin noted in 2016, that “After spearheading the extensive effort to establish Mizrahi Remembrance Month in 2015, JIMENA is thrilled to to expand the effort to honor Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, whose modern history and culture remains on the periphery of Jewish life and consciousness in North American. With over half of Israel’s Jews descended from North Africa and the Middle East, it is essential for North American Jewish institutions and communities to honor the history, heritage and invaluable contributions of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews. By doing so our Jewish communities will be able to strengthen their understanding, continuity, and support of diverse Jewish experiences and the state of Israel.”

What can JIMENA provide your community?


Host a JIMENA Speaker

Host a JIMENA Speaker

JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau is comprised of highly trained former refugees, educators, rabbis, scholars, thought leaders, and cultural ambassadors …
A Video Celebrating Mizrahi Heritage

A Video Celebrating Mizrahi Heritage

Featuring Sephardic and Mizrahi influencers, this film celebrates and honors the legacy of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews …
Distinctions Journal

Distinctions Journal

JIMENA’s journal for Mizrahi and Sephardic thought-leaders to explore a range of contemporary topics addressing the global Jewish community …
Public School Resources

Public School Resources

A JIMENA curated collection of state-board approved lesson plans and units for public school educators to teach their classrooms about …
Jewish Educator Toolkit

Jewish Educator Toolkit

JIMENA’s comprehensive Sephardic and Mizrahi education toolkit filled with lesson plans, curriculum, recommendations, and guidance …
Forgotten Refugees Film Screening

Forgotten Refugees Film Screening

An award-winning documentary that tells the story of the one million Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa …
The Mizrahi Experience Booklet

The Mizrahi Experience Booklet

A mini-booklet that provides brief overviews of Jewish life in each Middle Eastern and North African country …
Mizrahi Shabbat Supplement

Mizrahi Shabbat Supplement

A helpful guide to preparing a Shabbat program that honors Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Includes …

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